When it comes to custom sheds we are seeing more and more professionals look to add Colorbond roofing to the design. The benefits of Colorbond roofing are incredible and there is nothing else which can deliver in the way that this particular material can. Colorbond is made from hi-tensile steel and it is fabricated in a way that makes it absolutely ideal for anyone who is adding a roof to a new or an existing shed. There are a couple of grades that we have to consider, so that you get the perfect choice for your custom shed.
What Are The Benefits of Colorbond?
Let’s start by having a look into some of the reasons why shed builders love this material when they are designing a roof. Firstly, this is a highly durable material which is one of the longest-lasting options on the market. The second reason why we see so many Colorbond sheds is not only is the material strong, it is also incredibly lightweight and easy to handle — making installation very easy. Beyond these clear benefits this material is also maintenance-free which alleviates any pressure on the shed owner when it comes to cleaning and making repairs.
Main Grades of Colorbond
There are some custom made grades which Colorbond can create on demand, but generally there are two main grades which are used in products such as custom sheds. The standard is the 0.42 BMT (Base Metal Thickness) grade and they will also offer a thicker 0.48 BMT. We use BMT to refer to the thickness of the steel, prior to the Zincalume is applied, which is the protective layer which is added before the Colorbond paint.
Which is Best For You?
Most sheds will use the 0.48 Grade for the roof, and this is simply because it has strength that is far superior to the 0.42. When cost is taken into consideration there really isn’t much to split the two options, which makes the thicker grade a much easier choice to make. Some may wish to use the thicker grade on the roof and the standard grade on the rest of the shed, if custom sheds are being designed in full Colorbond.
Using The Standard
If you opt to use the standard then the only real risk you run is denting. Should any area of a shed get dented — when using the thinner grade that is — you will find that premature corrosion can take place, which of course goes against your reason for choosing Colorbond in the first place. Colorbond sheds which use the material for the full shed, should always be completed using the thicker 0.48 grade as this will offer the highest quality product.
If you are in any doubt as to what you should be looking for in a shed, speak with those who are experts in the design of custom sheds. It is always better to speak with a professional when dealing with a material like Colorbond, rather than buying the materials and having a go yourself.